The Unexpected Pizza Oven

The Unexpected Pizza Oven

We were about to begin a whole house renovation when the homeowners mentioned they’d love to do something to make their existing walk-in fireplace more welcoming and possibly useful. They craved a space that echoed the coziness of their favorite restaurant, where the crackle of the fire and the warmth of company formed a comforting bridge to happy memories.

December 21, 2017

Clean Water Update

You may recall the Stable Isotope Laboratory from the Stroud Water Research Center. Next to Stroud’s newly built research center it looked…well…see for yourself… If you haven’t read our post about the renovations that we have been helping out with at the Stroud Center, read it here. We

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November 08, 2017

Clean Water

The Rittenhouse Builders team is working at the Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale to help repair their Stable Isotope Laboratory as a gift in-kind.  We are honored to help support Stroud’s international mission for clean water headquartered here in Chester County, and we hope

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October 30, 2017

Compare & Contrast

Put yourself in the shoes of the homeowner. This is something that each and every builder strives to do. Here at Rittenhouse Builders, we try as often as possible to place ourselves in our clients’ shoes to make sure projects run smoothly and our clients feel more at home than ever once the

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October 03, 2017

Behind the Scenes - Villanova Residence

I love walking through a home where the current or former owner has just thrown in the towel, and given up. There is something refreshing in waving a white flag and saying, “This is so far beyond hope that I have no idea how this can be renovated to today’s tastes. Should we just knock it

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August 25, 2017

Our Top Three Entry Solutions

As the school year begins, we realize how important it is to begin the year organized and ready for all of the backpacks, books, papers, shoes and coats that will make their way into your home. We would like to highlight our 3 favorite entry solutions so that you can feel peace of mind when you walk

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June 07, 2016

An Unexpected Solution

I love being involved at the very beginning of a project, especially at the point when the problems and ideas are being shared with the architect. Usually it starts in a negative way: “We can’t host a large family gathering…” “The house leaks…” “The kids are rapidly

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March 30, 2015

Uncovered and Reclaimed

It all started innocently enough. George showed our client photos of his favorite contemporary staircase. Then Jessica (the architect) suggested the treads be “heavy” … a few weeks later added that it might be nice to “consider” concrete. John and Carrie (the clients) mentioned that a

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September 06, 2013

For Right's Sake

Well meaning people with great intentions can ruin a home’s aesthetic appeal. This 1853 mill worker’s home in Newtown Square witnessed the Civil War, the Great Depression, the heroics of the greatest generation, and sadly, some really misguided efforts to “historically restore” it in recent

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February 28, 2013

Too Far Gone?

At what point do you just give up? A two-hundred-year-old structure had been in the family for many years, standing vacant for 12 years prior to our involvement. Assessing the initial condition, we all committed to forge ahead – uniting classic processes and materials with new ones to make the

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December 28, 2012

Below the Surface

Tim and Cathi were making progress on renovating their kitchen. They were working with an architect, they had their drawings, and they were getting close to starting… when Cathi found a house just up the street that was absolutely perfect. Perfect for a growing family if you could look past the

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September 22, 2012

A Hidden Gem

Even if you aren’t an avid gardener, if you live in the Philadelphia area you probably have visited Longwood Gardens several times. Someone’s in from out of town and you need to entertain… the obligatory trip to Longwood is sure to entertain and impress.

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August 23, 2012

Tile the Kitchen, He Says

Jason mastering the tile installation in a kitchen of a complete home renovation project in West Chester.

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August 21, 2012

Meeting Chelsea Nauta

Four years ago, Chelsea made the cut for the 2008 Olympics trials. She again qualified for this year’s 2012 Olympic trials. Chelsea will be 24 in October. She grew up in Tampa Florida where she had a love for the water at a young age. She attended The University of George, where she competed on

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August 20, 2012

Century Cabinet Factory Tour

Everyone getting into last weeks Century Cabinet Factory Tour! Way to capture the moment Bonnie!

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